S.D. Girls SEN.SEC. SCHOOL was founded in 2003 and is run by a well-known staff. It is situated in the THANESAR block of HARYANA's KURUKSHETRA district. From 1st to 5th grade, our school is co-educational. Classes are only for girls from 6th to 12th grades. The school is surrounded by nature and does not operate as a shift school. This school's medium of instruction is English. This school can be reached through an all-weather road.
- Basically, developing and writing a good story needs the art of narration. You have to narrate the incidents in a sequential order leading to the final conclusion.
- Students should follow the basic theme as expounded by the input or by the introductory lines. They are not supposed to invent new and different themes.
- Within the given limits, students are left with enough space where they can give expression to their creative talents.
- The beginning and the concluding lines must support the main part or the events described in the story.