Fee Structure

SD Girls Senior Secondary School
Fee Structure for the Session 2022-23 (for New Student)
Standard Yearly Half yearly Quarter
Pre Nur 19300 9650 4825
Nur. 20100 10050 5025
K.G 23300 11650 5825
I 24100 12050 6025
II 24600 24300 6150
III 25200 12600 6300
IV 26400 13200 6600
V 26900 13450 6725
VI 27500 13750 6875
VII 28100 14050 7025
VIII 29250 14625 7313
IX 29250 14625 7313
X 30450 15225 7613
XI(A & C) 32000 16000 8000
XI(M & N.M) 35500 17750 8875
XII(A & C) 32000 16000 8000
XII(M & N.M) 35500 17750 8875


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